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Who are we

Mulberry Gold was founded by Mr. Keith Bailey in the summer of 2012. Mr. Bailey a dedicated family man hard working farmer and businessman who has a passionate taste for good wholsome living.

Mulberry Gold located in the beautiful cool yet serene Jacks hill mountains 3000 feet above the city capital of Kingston Ja.W.I.

Apiary nestled on a forested hillside, surrounded by various fruit trees, palm trees, many exotic plants and flowers, which makes our honey 'sweet to the soul and healthy to the bones'


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Our Honey

Raw organic honey is the original sweet liquid that honeybees produce from the concentrated nectar of flowers. This honey contains ingredients similar to those found in fruits. It is used as a syrup for pancakes and waffles and in a wide variety of recipes, especially convient for cooking and baking; three key properties of honey: Hygroscopic, Antibacterial, Antioxidants. Its is usedas a syrup for pancakes and waffles and in a wide

Honey Extraction

Clear, liquid honey, unfiltered unprocessed. Mulberry Gold Honey is the real stuff, unpasteurized honey. Mode of extraction from honeycomb is by centrifugal force which then goes into storage for fourteen days  Truly raw honey does not deteriorate with age but like fine  wine, continues to age and develop into more complex taste.

Mulberry Gold Honey sells honey, bee pollen and bee wax and we are regularly inspected by The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries ( Apiculture unit.)

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